Where do you ship from?
We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located worldwide. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.
How long will it take for my items to arrive?
Please allow an estimated 1-5 weeks for your order to arrive to the USA (varies from product to product). Other countries can take an estimated 1-6 weeks (varies from product to product) due to distance traveling and customs. Please note that due to the extreme popularity of our offers, these are only estimates.
How long will it take to receive a tracking number?
It will take usually between 2-5 business days.
Where can I place an order from?
You can place an order from any country as we ship Worldwide.
Is shipping really FREE?
Yes, shipping is Free Woarldwide on most items.
Which currency will I be charged in?
We process all orders in USD. While the content of the cart is displayed in several currencies, you will checkout using USD at the current exchange rate.
Will I receive a confirmation number when I place my order?
Yes, all customers will receive an order number after placing their orders. Please contact us if you don't receive one within 24 hours.
Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?
All inquiries can be forwarded to support@behandykid.com.
How can I pay?
We accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex and also Paypal.
Is Checkout on this site safe and secure?
Yes. We take the utmost care with the information that you provide us when placing an order through our online store (or through any other means). The server that hosts our store encrypts the transmission of all credit card and personal customer information using the Internet-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.
Is it safe to use my Credit Card on your website?
To ensure a safe payment procedure, our website uses credit card processor for a reliable and secure internet payment gateway, keeping all data encrypted with AES-256.
If I enter my email address will you sell my information?
Any information that you share with us is private and confidential. At no point will we share, rent or sell your personal information without your consent, except as required by law. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions and coupons for discounts.
Will I (the customer) have to pay customs?
For most countries you will not have to pay customs, but it depends where are you located and if you order more than 1 piece.